Top 5 Black Women Businesses Entry - Scooly Technology

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Kemi Bolatito-Bello is a 3x founder. An accomplished entrepreneur, Kemi has previously grown a business from her car garage to two locations generating over $4 million in revenue. She is a licensed Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) and has been recognized with numerous awards, including Canada's Top 100 Black Women, nominated for RBC Women of Influence for three consecutive years and Rosalind Smith Business Distinction Award. Kemi co-founded Scooly Technology with her partner Idowu Bolatito-Bello in 2023 and under her leadership, Scooly has rapidly expanded to a team of 13 and gained significant recognition, including selection for the Government of Alberta delegation to London Tech Week, Silicon Valley Connection and the Collision 2024 Alpha Startup Program. Her company was one of the winners of C-Tribe Tech Pitch competition in 2024. Scooly was recently accepted into a national accelerator Founders Lab and Afrotech Circle Houston. Kemi is deserving of this award due to her hardwork and creativity to build businesses from ground up and creating jobs. Her work in the community to always make sure black voices are heard and seen through her leadership at Canadian Black Chamber of Commerce.

Cast your vote before 11:59pm, September 30, 2024

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