Top 5 Black Women Businesses Entry - Eklektik Craft Distillery

Why do you think this organization is worthy of this award?

Eklektik Craft Distillery is a majority Black Woman-led grain-to-glass distillery, using innovative approaches to produce blended spirits. Eklektik is proudly known for its meticulously distilled spirits. This family business produces and distributes local vodka, gin, and whiskey to foster the Canadian economy. Eklektik uses innovative approaches to produce blended spirits that allow for more people to enjoy spirits as we strive to create global spirit brands of the future.

As a Black Woman-led business in a predominantly white male-dominated industry, Eklektik's goal is to close the gap by playing a role in shifting the spirits industry to increase the presence of Black Women in the industry, where they are currently underrepresented.

The challenges and barriers we face as black business women include; limited access to capital, lack of mentorship, and a lack of strong banking and lender relationships.

The steps that Eklektik has taken to overcome some of the barriers include connecting with alternative financiers such as angel investors, connecting with business ecosystems, and collaborating with organizations that support black people such as the BIPOC Foundation.

Eklektik is committed to actively addressing barriers that Black women face in business by fostering diversity and inclusion in every aspect of our operations, providing opportunities for black women at all levels of our organization, and providing mentorship and support programs to black women in our industry.

Cast your vote before 11:59pm, September 30, 2024

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